
GC easy – Universal Java GC Log Analyser


GC Tuning

Java CMS GC Tuning

Java Concurrent Mark & Sweep (CMS) algorithm operates by dividing the garbage collection process into multiple phases, concurrently marking and sweeping the memory regions without a significant pause. While its design brings benefits in terms of reduced pause times, it... Continue Reading →

Shenandoah GC Tuning

Shenandoah GC aims to reduce pause times in Java applications by performing garbage collection concurrently with the application threads. At the heart of Shenandoah's innovation is its region-based memory management. The heap is strategically divided into regions, allowing garbage collection... Continue Reading →

Java Parallel GC Tuning

Parallel garbage collector (Parallel GC) is one of the oldest Garbage Collection algorithms introduced in JVM to leverage the processing power of modern multi-core systems. Parallel GC aims to reduce the impact of GC pauses by utilizing multiple threads to... Continue Reading →

Garbage Collection tuning success story – reducing young gen size

When you tune Garbage collection performance, you are not only improving Garbage collection pause time but also the overall application's response time and reducing cloud computing cost. Recently we helped to tune the Garbage collection behavior of a popular application.... Continue Reading →

“I don’t have to worry about Garbage collection” – Is it true?

I have heard a few of my developer friends say: “Garbage Collection is automatic. So, I do not have to worry about it.“ The first part is true, i.e., “Garbage Collection is automatic” on all modern platforms – Java, .NET, Golang,... Continue Reading → Munich – GC tuning & troubleshooting crash course

W-JAX is a conference for modern Java and web development, for software architecture and innovative infrastructure with well-known experts from the industry. Renowned experts share their professional experiences in Sessions and Power Workshops. Our architect Ram Lakshmanan presented a talk... Continue Reading →

GC Tuning & Troubleshooting Crash Course

Our architect Ram Lakshmanan presented a talk on the topic: "GC Tuning & Troubleshooting Crash Course" in JAX London 2019 conference. Talk was very well received by the attendees. Video Ratings Please see the attendee’s ratings (5 = best)... Continue Reading →


Should I be running my application with few instances (i.e. machines) with large memory size or a lot of instances with small memory size? Which strategy is optimal? This question might be confronted often. After building applications for 2 decades,... Continue Reading →


There are a few distinct differences and subtle nuances between 32-bit JVM and 64-bit JVM. We thought we will try to clarify them through this question & answer article. Do I need to understand the difference between 32-bit JVM and... Continue Reading →

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