
GC easy – Universal Java GC Log Analyser




W-JAX 2024 was one of the leading conferences in the Java ecosystem, and our architect, Ram Lakshmanan, presented on 'Top 5 Java Performance Problems.' In this insightful session, Ram walked through the most prevalent performance issues faced by Java developers.... Continue Reading →

How to analyze Node.js Garbage Collection traces?

Node.js applications may suffer from unresponsiveness due to long Garbage Collection pauses or memory leaks. Enabling GC traces with '--trace-gc' helps monitor memory usage and potential bottlenecks. This article details on how certain tools can provide graphs and metrics for easy interpretation, aiding in optimizing performance and memory management.

How to capture Node.js Garbage Collection traces?

Garbage collection (GC) plays a crucial role in managing memory in Node.js. Efficient GC is essential for optimal performance, making it vital to trace GC events. This article covers the three main methods for tracing GC events: utilizing the '--trace-gc' flag, leveraging the v8 module for dynamic tracing, and utilizing the perf_hooks module.

Optimizing Robotics application’s Performance!

In this post, we would like to share our real-world experience in optimizing a Java application which was controlling the robots in a warehouse. This application would give instructions to the robots in the warehouse on what actions to perform.... Continue Reading →

String Deduplication in Java

In this article, we’ll learn how to improve the performance of the applications that tend to use most of the space due to extensive usage of Strings. There’s no need to store more than one instance of immutable objects in... Continue Reading →

SaaS business CEO’s view on Garbage Collection

Sridhar Vembu, CEO of Zoho corporation, is a great inspiration for several engineers and entrepreneurs. Starting from a humble beginning, how he has built one of the largest SaaS businesses is an eye-opening journey for all of us. I was... Continue Reading →

CMS GC algorithm removed from Java 14?

Java Concurrent Mark & Sweep (CMS) algorithm is known for concurrently marking and sweeping the memory regions without a significant pause. However, the Concurrent Mark & Sweep algorithm took an unexpected turn when it was deprecated in Java 9 and... Continue Reading →

Java CMS GC Tuning

Java Concurrent Mark & Sweep (CMS) algorithm operates by dividing the garbage collection process into multiple phases, concurrently marking and sweeping the memory regions without a significant pause. While its design brings benefits in terms of reduced pause times, it... Continue Reading →

Serial GC Tuning

Tailored for simplicity and effectiveness, the Serial GC operates with a single-threaded approach, making it particularly relevant for smaller-scale applications and scenarios where stringent latency requirements aren't the primary concern. In this post, we will explore techniques to tune Serial... Continue Reading →

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