
GC easy – Universal Java GC Log Analyser



Degradation in String Deduplication Performance in Recent Java Versions

This is an investigative piece on the performance of string deduplication in different versions of Java. The investigation compared Java versions 11, 17, and 21 and their ability to remove duplicate strings. It utilized a WebCrawler application and JMeter load testing to gather data. The findings revealed that Java 11 outperformed versions 17 and 21, eliminating 34.3% of duplicates in 1,264.442 milliseconds. However, newer versions showed a decline in performance, deduplicating fewer strings over longer periods of time.

Optimizing Robotics application’s Performance!

In this post, we would like to share our real-world experience in optimizing a Java application which was controlling the robots in a warehouse. This application would give instructions to the robots in the warehouse on what actions to perform.... Continue Reading →

Shenandoah GC Tuning

Shenandoah GC aims to reduce pause times in Java applications by performing garbage collection concurrently with the application threads. At the heart of Shenandoah's innovation is its region-based memory management. The heap is strategically divided into regions, allowing garbage collection... Continue Reading →

GraalVM vs OpenJDK GC Performance Comparison

In this article, we are going to  compare the performance of Garbage Collection(GC) of OpenJDK and GraalVM. The GraalVM is a popular open source JVM implementation in Java with a capability to run applications as native images. Apart from that, it... Continue Reading →

You might be wasting millions of dollars in garbage Collection – JAX London!

Every year in October, JAX London is the go-to event for Java and Software Architecture enthusiasts! It is a four-day conference for cutting-edge software engineers and enterprise-level professionals. This year, at JAX London’s 2022 conference, our architect Ram Lakshmanan was... Continue Reading →

Automobile Company Optimizes its GC Performance

One the world's largest automobile manufacturers has optimized their middleware platform's response time by several folds. This world renowned enterprise optimized their garbage collection performance using our GCeasy tool and was able to reduce their overall application's response time by... Continue Reading →

Java performance Talk in QAInsights Clubhouse

Naveen Kumar Namachivayam from QAInsights Invited Ram Lakshmanan – The architect of yCrash to talk in the Performance Engineers Clubhouse. In this video, the basics of Garbage collection, Importance of Memory, GC Throughput Introduction and many other topics have been discussed!

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